Estuary of the story of Jesus' alaihissalam still vague for most of the Muslims. What's this terancukan by Christian faith who believe that Jesus had died on the cross. How true story of the prophet Jesus' alaihissalam this?
Al-Masih1 Who is Jesus?

He was Isa ibn (son) of Mary, a servant of Allah (Abdullah) and His messenger (Allah) and His Prophet. It's as revealed by Jesus' own alaihissalam, as narrated by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in the verses of the Qur `an:
قال إني عبد الله آتاني الكتاب وجعلني نبيا. وجعلني مباركا أين ما كنت وأوصاني بالصلاة والزكاة ما دمت حيا. وبرا بوالدتي ولم يجعلني جبارا شقيا. والسلام علي يوم ولدت ويوم أموت ويوم أبعث حيا. ذلك عيسى ابن مريم قول الحق الذي فيه يمترون. ما كان لله أن يتخذ من ولد سبحانه إذا قضى أمرا فإنما يقول له كن فيكون. وإن الله ربي وربكم فاعبدوه هذا صراط مستقيم. فاختلف الأحزاب من بينهم فويل للذين كفروا من مشهد يوم عظيم
"Said Jesus: 'Behold, I am the servant of God, He gave you the Book (the Bible) and He made me a prophet. And He made me blessed wherever I was, and he ordered me (setting up) prayers and (perform) charity as long as I live, and dutiful to my mother. And he does not make me a damned arrogant. I hope and welfare handed to me, the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised up alive. 'That Jesus son of Mary, who said the right words, that they were arguing about the truth. Not feasible to have a child of God, Glory to Him. If he has set something, He just said to him: 'Be,' then so be it. Verily Allah is my Lord and Rabbmu, so worship Him by you all. It is the right path. So berselisihlah factions (the existing) between them. So woe to those who disbelieve in time to witness a great day. "(Maryam: 30-37)
إن هو إلا عبد أنعمنا عليه وجعلناه مثلا لبني إسرائيل
"Jesus is nothing but a servant whom We gave him favors (Prophethood), and We made him as the evidence (the power of God) for the Children of Israel." (Az-Zukhruf: 59)
ما المسيح ابن مريم إلا رسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل وأمه صديقة كانا يأكلان الطعام انظر كيف نبين لهم الآيات ثم انظر أنى يؤفكون
"Christ was the son of Mary was a true apostle had passed before the Apostles, and his mother a confirmed, both used to eat food. Note how we explain to them (the Scriptures) Signs (We), then see how they turn away (from the verses we notice it). "(Al-Ma` Idah: 75)
Paragraph that pretty much confirms this, what you mentioned is sufficient to explain who Jesus' alaihissalam. In a hadith narrated from Ubadah ibnush Saamit radi 'anhu also mentioned that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
من شهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله وأن عيسى عبد الله ورسوله وكلمته ألقاها إلى مريم وروح منه والجنة حق والنار حق أدخله الله الجنة على ما كان من العمل
"Whoever testifies that there is no true god except Allah is the only one with Him, no partner unto Him, and that Muhammad His servant and His Messenger, and that Jesus is His slave and His Messenger and His Word that God ask you to Mary, and that heaven and hell that's true is true, then God will put it in Al-Jannah according to his deeds. "(Saheeh, HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
Thus, Jesus' alaihissalam did not have a divine nature, so it deserves to be worshiped or dipertuhankan. As well he is a messenger who has the right to obtain his rights as an apostle, so it should diimani apostolate, loved and respected that it does not exceed his capacity as a human being. Should not be too insulted or harassed, the more said to be a natural child.
Physical properties of the Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam
He is a man that his posture is not high nor short, reddish skin, chest bidang2, straight hair, exceeding tips of his ears, had his comb and meeting between the two pundaknya3. Her hair was dripping water as if coming out of the room mandi4.
The right attitude toward Jesus
Surely this noble Prophet has a high status in Islam. But unknown to the Jews and the Christians, or they play dumb about it in their reality, or in confidence and their writings. Islam has fulfilled these lofty position, set the best possible way, and perfect it. Islam also be objective in many verses of the clear and noble. Islam is defined just what that is unacceptable to think that sense, not in others. (Mauqiful Min Islam 'Isa' alaihissalam, p. 3)
The right attitude toward Jesus' alaihissalam is convinced that he is the servant of Allah and His Messenger. Allaah sent him to the Children of Israel, he created a sentence that Allaah Allaah ask you to Mary, he is one Ulul 'Azmi of the Apostles, Allah Subhanahu wa privileges Ta'ala gave him, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala created by a phrase of his, addressed to Mary, the word 'kun' (be), so that be a fetus in the belly of Mary, noble woman who had never touched shalihah anyone. He can talk now baby, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give the miracle of life to the dead by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, curing people from diseases hairpiece and mute, and can tell what people ate and what is stored in their homes. (As stated in the letter of Ali Imran: 45-50)
On the basis of all the perks that there is then we mengimaninya, love, and respect. But with all the perks that there is, he remains a man who has no divine attributes that should not be dipertuhankan, not God or the Son of God or any of the three elements of the Lord.
Christian extremes
Christian people who claim to be followers of Jesus believe that Jesus is the Son of God or God, or he is a child of God, which is one of the three elements of the trinity, that God the Father, God the Son, and the Purest Spirit. Each one is different from the others, but all three are one God.
Such convictions against Prophet Jesus 'alaihissalam of extreme confidence, which is very wrong according to the religion of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala who brought the apostles, including that carried Jesus' alaihissalam itself. Where this kind of confidence that is put Jesus' alaihissalam not in place, beyond its position as a human being. Jesus himself is denying this belief. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وإذ قال الله يا عيسى ابن مريم ءأنت قلت للناس اتخذوني وأمي إلهين من دون الله قال سبحانك ما يكون لي أن أقول ما ليس لي بحق إن كنت قلته فقد علمته تعلم ما في نفسي ولا أعلم ما في نفسك إنك أنت علام الغيوب. ما قلت لهم إلا ما أمرتني به أن اعبدوا الله ربي وربكم وكنت عليهم شهيدا ما دمت فيهم فلما توفيتني كنت أنت الرقيب عليهم وأنت على كل شيء شهيد
And (remember) when Allah said: "O Jesus son of Mary, is there anything you say to people: 'Take me and my mother two gods / god besides Allah?'." Jesus replied: "Glory to Thee, not for me to say what I have no right (to say). If I have to say it then surely you already know. You know what is in me and I do not know what that is in thee. Thou art the Knower of the unseen-unseen cases. I never said to them except what You commanded me (saying) that is: 'Worship Allah, my Lord and Rabbmu', and I was a witness against them, as long as I was among them. So after you wafatkan (lift) I, Thou who supervise them. And Thou art Witness over all things. "(Al-Ma` Idah: 116-117)
This is one of the largest infidelity and heresy, because it is a reproach to the top of the greatness of Allaah, His majesty and rububiyah. There is no other than Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala but His creatures who submit to His majesty and greatness, and weighed the burden of worship to Him. (Mauqiful Min Islam 'Isa)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وقالت اليهود عزير ابن الله وقالت النصارى المسيح ابن الله ذلك قولهم بأفواههم يضاهئون قول الذين كفروا من قبل قاتلهم الله أنى يؤفكون
"The Jews say: Uzair is the son of God 'and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of God.' Such is their saying with their mouths, they imitate the infidels saying earlier. Allah's curse them: how they get away? "(At-Tawbah: 30)
لقد كفر الذين قالوا إن الله هو المسيح ابن مريم وقال المسيح يا بني إسرائيل اعبدوا الله ربي وربكم إنه من يشرك بالله فقد حرم الله عليه الجنة ومأواه النار وما للظالمين من أنصار. لقد كفر الذين قالوا إن الله ثالث ثلاثة وما من إله إلا إله واحد وإن لم ينتهوا عما يقولون ليمسن الذين كفروا منهم عذاب أليم
"Surely people have been disbelievers who say: 'Verily, Allah is the Messiah son of Mary', but Al-Masih (himself) said: 'O Children of Israel, worship Allah my Lord and Rabbmu.' Surely those who ascribe (something) Allah, then surely Allah forbid him Paradise, and the place is hell, is not there for people zhalim it was a helper. Surely those disbelievers who say: 'Verily Allah is one of the three', but never any Ilah (the right to be worshiped) but One Ilah Yang. If they do not stop what they are saying it, certainly those who disbelieve among them a painful torment will be overwritten. "(Al-Ma` Idah: 72-73)
وقالوا اتخذ الرحمن ولدا. لقد جئتم شيئا إدا. تكاد السماوات يتفطرن منه وتنشق الأرض وتخر الجبال هدا. أن دعوا للرحمن ولدا. وما ينبغي للرحمن أن يتخذ ولدا. إن كل من في السماوات والأرض إلا آتي الرحمن عبدا
"And they say: 'Lord, Most Gracious take (have) children.' Verily ye have brought a case that is unjust, almost sky because the speech was broken, the earth split, and the mountains crumble, as they accuse God Most Gracious had a son. And not worthy of the Beneficent Lord take (have) children. No one in heaven and on earth, except to come to the Lord, Most Gracious as a servant. "(Maryam: 88-93)
In the Gospel, there was a refutation of this aqeedah. Where mentioned in all the Gospels that Jesus is the son of Mary and what happened to befall mankind. Among them that he was there after the absence, need to eat and drink, feeling tired and he slept even mati5, as well as other human traits. (Dirasat fil Adyan, Al-Khalaf Su'ud it. 136)
There is also the sayings of the Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam in the Gospel that he was an apostle (messenger). In the Gospel of Matthew (10/40) Jesus said: "He who receives you mean he accepts me, and who accept me means accepting that sent me." (Dirasat fil Adyan, Su'ud Al-Khalaf, p. 136)
This is in accordance with what Allaah mentioned in the Qur `an:
ما المسيح ابن مريم إلا رسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل وأمه صديقة كانا يأكلان الطعام انظر كيف نبين لهم الآيات ثم انظر أنى يؤفكون
"Christ was the son of Mary was a true apostle had passed before the Apostles, and his mother a confirmed, both used to eat food. Note how we explain to them (the Scriptures) Signs (We), then see how they turn away (from the verses we notice it). "(Al-Ma` Idah: 75)
He was also invited to worship only Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew (4/10) that the Prophet Jesus said: "For the Lord sesembahanmu you do prostrations, and unto Him ye worship." (Dirasat fil Adyan, Su'ud Al-Khalaf, p. 138)
In the Gospel of John, Christ said: "This is life eternal, that is to let them know that Thou art the true god, the only one with Him, while Jesus Christ, he whom thou hast sent." (Dirasat fil Adyan, Su ' ud Al-Khalaf, p. 138)
This is in accordance with what Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala profiled on Al-Masih that he said:
إن الله ربي وربكم فاعبدوه هذا صراط مستقيم
"Verily, Allah, my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is the right path. "(Ali 'Imran: 51)
Tafrith attitude (underestimate) The Jews of Jesus' alaihissalam
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
فاختلف الأحزاب من بينهم فويل للذين كفروا من مشهد يوم عظيم
"So berselisihlah factions (the existing) between them. So woe to those who disbelieve in time to witness a great day. "(Maryam: 37)
In these verses, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala explain human differences of opinion about the Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam, but Allaah has explained so clearly who the real him. Ibn Kathir says rahimahullahu when interpreting the verse: "That the People of the Book of greeting each other after a dispute about the clarity of who Jesus is actually his, and after he explained his situation, that he is the servant of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and His Messenger and His Word which God SWT ask you to Mary and the spirit of Him. So a bunch of them, namely the Jewish majority, may Allah has cursed them, determined that Jesus was the son of adultery and they said that the words of Jesus (when the baby) is magic. Whereas the other group (some Christians, pent), says: 'The talk is really just God', as others have said: 'Even the son of God', as others have said: 'It is one of the three elements of God (Trinity) 'Others say:' He is a servant of Allah and his messenger '. And that's the truth that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala guided the believers to him. "(Tafsir al-Qur` anul 'Azhim, 3/127)
In a letter of An-Nisa verse 156 stated:
وبكفرهم وقولهم على مريم بهتانا عظيما
"And because of their unbelief (against 'Isa), and their accusations against Mary a big lie."
Interpreted by Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma and the other point is that the Jews accused Maryam adultery.
Rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir explains: "And it's very apparent in the verse, that the Jews accused the son of Mary and Mary with a great variety of charges, so assume that Mary was pregnant with the prostitutes and adultery. Most of them adding charges that he committed adultery in a state of menstruation. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala inflicted on them the curse of his succession, until the Day of Resurrection. "(Tafsir al-Qur` anul 'Azhim, 1/574)
Greeting the Jewish people were certainly very excessive. An insult that is not worthy of human beings are generally aimed at, much less to a Prophet and Messenger option Allaah honored with a variety of glory, one of ulul azmi. Though he confirmed the Torah revealed to Prophet Moses' alaihissalam for the Jews.
In this case, the Jews are at the very polar opposite of the Christian greeting.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has denied that Jews boast in his verses noble:
واذكر في الكتاب مريم إذ انتبذت من أهلها مكانا شرقيا. فاتخذت من دونهم حجابا فأرسلنا إليها روحنا فتمثل لها بشرا سويا. قالت إني أعوذ بالرحمن منك إن كنت تقيا. قال إنما أنا رسول ربك لأهب لك غلاما زكيا. قالت أنى يكون لي غلام ولم يمسسني بشر ولم أك بغيا. قال كذلك قال ربك هو علي هين ولنجعله آية للناس ورحمة منا وكان أمرا مقضيا فحملته فانتبذت به مكانا قصي
"And mention (story of) Maryam in the Al-Qur` an, when he distanced himself from his family to a place in the east, he held a sunscreen (which protects) from them: then We sent an angel to him, then he is incarnated in before him (in the form of) a perfect man. She said: 'Verily I seek refuge from you to the All-Merciful Lord, if you're a cautious. "He (Gabriel) said:' I am only a messenger Rabbmu, to give a boy a saint. 'She said: 'How will there me a boy, was never even touched a human being and I'm not (also) an adulteress!' He replied: 'That's it. Rabbmu said: 'It is easy for Me: and so can we make a sign for mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is a case that was decided. "So Mary conceived him, and he spends himself with its contents to the distant places. "(Maryam: 16-22)
Until the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
فأتت به قومها تحمله قالوا يا مريم لقد جئت شيئا فريا. يا أخت هارون ما كان أبوك امرأ سوء وما كانت أمك بغيا فأشارت إليه قالوا كيف نكلم من كان في المهد صبيا. قال إني عبد الله آتاني الكتاب وجعلني نبيا. وجعلني مباركا أين ما كنت وأوصاني بالصلاة والزكاة ما دمت حيا. وبرا بوالدتي ولم يجعلني جبارا شقيا. والسلام علي يوم ولدت ويوم أموت ويوم أبعث حيا. ذلك عيسى ابن مريم قول الحق الذي فيه يمترون
"Then Mary took the child to his people with arms. His people said: 'O Mary, ye have done something very unjust. O sister of Aaron, your father is most certainly not a bad person and your mother is most certainly not an adulterer, 'then she pointed to her child. They said: 'How can we be talking to a child who is still in the cradle?' Said Jesus: 'Behold, I am the servant of God, He gave you the Book (the Bible) and He made me a prophet. And He made me blessed wherever I was, and he ordered me (setting up) prayers and (perform) charity as long as I live, and dutiful to my mother, and he does not make me a damned arrogant. I hope and welfare handed to me, the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised up alive. 'That Jesus son of Mary, who said the right words, that they were arguing about the truth. "(Maryam: 27 - 34)
And many more verses that describe the nature of the creation of Isa.
Appointment of Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam and that he has not Died
The Jews claimed that they had killed Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam and they take pride in it. They maintained that those killed by the cross is the person who gets the wrath of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. But it's odd and unfortunate that the Christians also believe in the death of Jesus on the cross. This is all because of their ignorance of the nature of what happened to the Prophet Jesus. More than that, they believe that he is with his death on the cross as a ransom the sins of the sons of men because of Adam's fault 'alaihissalam. In fact Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has forgiven Adam long ago before the birth of Jesus. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
ثم اجتباه ربه فتاب عليه وهدى
"Then his Lord chose him to receive repentance and then gave instructions." (Taha: 122)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has denied all of it through the verses of his glorious:
وبكفرهم وقولهم على مريم بهتانا عظيما. وقولهم إنا قتلنا المسيح عيسى ابن مريم رسول الله وما قتلوه وما صلبوه ولكن شبه لهم وإن الذين اختلفوا فيه لفي شك منه ما لهم به من علم إلا اتباع الظن وما قتلوه يقينا. بل رفعه الله إليه وكان الله عزيزا حكيما. وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته ويوم القيامة يكون عليهم شهيدا
"And because of their unbelief (against 'Isa), and their accusations against Mary a big lie (adultery), and their saying:' We killed the Messiah, Isa son of Maryam, Messenger of God ', but they did not kill him and not (also) crucify him, but (they kill is) the person who was likened to Jesus for them. Those who disagreed about Jesus (pbuh), is really in doubt about him. They do not have a belief about who killed it, except the following conjecture, they do not (also) believe that they killed it was Jesus. But (the fact), God has raised Jesus to him. Allah is Mighty, Wise. No one from the Book, but will believe in him (Jesus) before his death. And on the day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them. "(An-Nisa ': 156-159)
Among the imitators Jews and Christians in the death of Jesus is the Ahmadiyya sect, who have been convicted Qadyaniyyah infidels by the clergy and Islamic institutions. They believe so in order to achieve their mission, namely to declare that Jesus was not resurrected later that the real because he had died, but the resurrected Jesus is the same person. They are meant to be their leader Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Qadyani. They had postulated a few verses that are considered by them to support their misguided beliefs. Will come later, God willing, denial.
From the above it is obvious that Jesus was not dead, even Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to lift him. Allaah also said:
ومكروا ومكر الله والله خير الماكرين. إذ قال الله يا عيسى إني متوفيك ورافعك إلي ومطهرك من الذين كفروا وجاعل الذين اتبعوك فوق الذين كفروا إلى يوم القيامة ثم إلي مرجعكم فأحكم بينكم فيما كنتم فيه تختلفون
"The pagans were devised, and God's reply to their trickery. And Allah is the best of planners. (Remember) when Allah said: 'O Jesus, verily I will deliver you to the end ajalmu and raise you to Me, and cleanse you of those who disbelieve and make those who follow you above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then I am only to return, and I decided amongst you about the things you always at odds to her '. "(Ali' Imran: 54-55)
They bermakar, which is about to kill the Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam and extinguish the light of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Among the shows he was alive was the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته ويوم القيامة يكون عليهم شهيدا
"None of the Book, but will believe in him (Jesus) before his death. And on the day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them. "(An-Nisa ': 159)
Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma said that the intention is to believe in Prophet Jesus before his death. (Reported by Ibn Jarir and sanadnya dishahihkan rahimahullahu Ibn Hajar rahimahullahu. See Fathul Bari, 4/492)
Rahimahullahu Al-Hasan said: "That before the death of Jesus. By Allah, indeed he now lives in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, but when he fell later all will believe. "(Tafsir At-Tabari, quoted from Asyrathus Hour thing. 346)
The fall of the Prophet Isa 'As It Signs alaihissalam and Doomsday
About the decline of Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam mentioned by verses of the Qur `an which also shows that as a sign of doomsday. Among the evidence that shows this is:
إن هو إلا عبد أنعمنا عليه وجعلناه مثلا لبني إسرائيل. ولو نشاء لجعلنا منكم ملائكة في الأرض يخلفون. وإنه لعلم للساعة فلا تمترن بها واتبعون هذا صراط مستقيم
"Jesus is nothing but a servant whom We gave him favors (Prophethood), and We made him as the evidence (the power of God) for the Children of Israel. And if we really wish we make as a dressing on earth angels are hereditary. Isa and indeed it really is a sign of doomsday. Have no doubt about the Resurrection, and follow me. This is the right path. "(Az-Zukhruf: 59-61)
"And Jesus sesungguhya it is a sign of the Hour", the intention is that the decline in Isa including the signs of the Hour, and it is known that the end is near. According to the interpretation of Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah, Adh-Dhahhak, and As-Suddi. (Zadul sintered, 7/325, Al-Qurtubi, 16/105). And Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma read لعلم meaningful signs.
It was narrated from Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma, from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, about the interpretation of "And truly Jesus was a sign for the Hour ', he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
نزول عيسى ابن مريم من قبل يوم القيامة
"It was the fall of Isa ibn Maryam before the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh. Bab Al-Bayan Nuzul anna bi Maryam Isa Ibni min A'lamis Hour, 15/228 no. 6817)
Word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته ويوم القيامة يكون عليهم شهيدا
"None of the Book, but will believe in him (Jesus) before his death. And on the day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them. "(An-Nisa ': 159)
Has passed Al-Hasan rahimahullahu interpretation of this verse.
As for the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then it is pretty much the show would be his coming even to the degree mutawatir, as mentioned by the scholars of Hadeeth and others, such as Ibn Jarir, Tabari, Ibn Kathir, Siddiq Hasan Khan, Al-Anwar Shah Kasymiri, Azhim Al-Abadi, ash-Shaykh Al-Albani6, and we will mention later some of their speech. And here I will mention some of the Hadith.
A. From Abu Hurayrah that he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
والذي نفسي بيده ليوشكن أن ينزل فيكم بن مريم حكما عدلا فيكسر الصليب ويقتل الخنزير ويضع الجزية ويفيض المال حتى لا يقبله أحد حتى تكون السجدة الواحدة خيرا من الدنيا وما فيها. ثم يقول أبو هريرة: واقرؤوا إن شئتم {وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته ويوم القيامة يكون عليهم شهيدا}
"For the soul is in His hand, practically going down in the midst of you Ibn (son) of Mary, as a fair judge. He broke the cross, kill swine, and put (not picked up, pent.) Levy, and property when it is abundant no one to accept it, so that a bow better than the world and what there is to it. "Abu Huraira said: Recite if you want to, verse (meaning): And not one of the Ahl-ul-book but would really believe in him before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness for them. "(Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari, no. 3264, 3 / 1272. Chapter 50 Nuzul Isa ibn Maryam 'alaihissalam; Muslim no. 155, 1/135 Chapter 71 Nuzul Isa bin Maryam Muhammad Nabiyyina Shari'ati bi judgment. This is lafadz Al-Bukhari)
2. From Abu Hurayrah that he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
كيف أنتم إذا نزل بن مريم فيكم وإمامكم منكم
"What if you fell the son of Mary in the midst of you and your priests." (Narrated by al-Bukhari, Kitab Ahaditsul Anbiya `Isa ibn Chapter 49 Nuzul Maryam no. 3449; Muslim Faith Kitabul 1/135 no. 390, Chapter 71 Nuzul Isa bin Maryam Muhammad Nabiyyina Shari'ati bi judgment cet. Darul ma'rifah)
Of Jabir bin Abdillah radi 'anhuma he said: I heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تزال طائفة من أمتي يقاتلون على الحق ظاهرين إلى يوم القيامة. قال: فينزل عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام فيقول أميرهم: تعال صل لنا. فيقول: لا إن بعضكم على بعض أمراء تكرمة الله هذه الأمة
"There are still a bunch of my people, they fight over the truth, they are superior to the Day of Resurrection." He besabda: "Isa ibn Maryam came down, then leader of the Muslims say: 'Come, be our priest.' And he replied: 'Sesungguhya some of you are leaders over others for the glory of God upon this people. '"(Sahih, HR. Muslim, 2/368 Chapter 71 Nuzul Isa bin Maryam bi judgment Shari'ati Nabiyyina Muhammad Ibn Hibban, no. 6819, 15/231 , Bab Al-Bayan bi Anna Imama Hadzihil Ummah 'inda Nuzul' Isa ibn Maryam Yakunu minhum duna an yakuna 'Isa Imamahm Dzalika Az-Zaman fi)
Of Hudhayfah Usaid bin Al-Ghifari radi 'anhu, he said:
اطلع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم علينا ونحن نتذاكر فقال: ما تذاكرون? قالوا: نذكر الساعة. قال: إنها لن تقوم حتى ترون قبلها عشر آيات; فذكر الدخان والدجال والدابة وطلوع الشمس من مغربها ونزول عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام ويأجوج ومأجوج وثلاثة خسوف خسف بالمشرق وخسف بالمغرب وخسف بجزيرة العرب وآخر ذلك نار تخرج من اليمن تطرد الناس إلى محشرهم
Rasulullah saw us in a state of mind we're together, then he said: "Are you guys telling each other what? They replied that we were each given the doomsday. He said: Doomsday will not rise up so you see the 10 mark, then he said: Smoke, liars, animals, rising of the sun from the west, falling Isa ibn Maryam, `Yes` juj juj and Ma, 3 events of the sinking (a region, pent- ) into the earth, in the west, in the east, and in the Arabian peninsula, the latter is the fire that came from the country of Yemen which led men to their gathering place. "(Saheeh, HR. Muslim, Wa Fitan Kitabul Asyrathus Hour , Chapter Fil Paragraph Allati Takunu Qabla As-Hour, 18/234 no. 7214. Cet. Darul ma'rifah. This is narrated also by others)
On the basis of the arguments that there is then the Muslims would agree to drop the Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam at the end of time, as the statements of the following scholars:
Ibn 'Athiyyah rahimahullahu said: "People have berijma' of what is contained in the mutawatir hadith, that Jesus lived in heaven and that he would get off at the end of time. Then he would kill the pigs and break the cross, kill the Dajjal, bestow justice and religion will be superior to the religion of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and he's going to Hajj and stayed on earth for 24 years, and are said to be over 40 years. "( Al-Tafsir Al-Wajiz Muharrar, 3/143)
As-Safarini rahimahullahu said: "People have berijma 'Isa will decline and there is nothing ahlu menyelisihinya of sharia (Islamic followers). That deny is the philosopher and atheist, are not counted penyelisihannya. And there has been consensus also that he was down and arbitrate with the Shari'a of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was not with the Shari'a itself when falling. "(Lawami' Al-Anwar, 2/94-95)
Among the menukilkan ijma 'is also Al-Munawi rahimahullahu Faidhul Qadir in his book. (See iqomatul Burhan)
With this, it becomes Aqeedah Muslims. Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Al-Abadi Azhim said: "It has been mutawatir news of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the fall of Isa ibn Maryam' alaihissalam from heaven with his body to the earth as it approached the end of the world. And this is a school of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. "('Aunul Sharh Sunan Abi Dawud Ma'bud, 11/457)
Similarly, we find the scholars who wrote the aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah, they mention that this belief as one of the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah. For example, Al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal in his book Ushulus rahimahullahu Sunnah, Al-Barbahari rahimahullahu Syarhus Sunnah in his book, Abul Hasan Al-Ash'ari Maqalat Islamiyyin rahimahullahu in his book, Ath-Thahawi rahimahullahu in his book 'Aqeedah Thahawiyyah, Ibn Abi Zaid Al-Qairuwani rahimahullahu in his treatise, Abu Ahmad Husayn ash-Shafi'i rahimahullahu known as Ibn al-Haddad in his book of Aqeedah and the Aqeedah of Ibn Qudama rahimahullahu it.
1 Why is it called the Messiah? Of the word "Ma-sa-ha" which means to remove or rub. Ibn al-Athir rahimahullahu explained: It has been repeated mention of "Al-Masih 'alaihissalam" and the mention of "Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal". The Isa is so called because he never ran a flawed but should recover. Another opinion: "Because he is not concave your feet", or "because he was born of his mother in a state rubbed with oil," or "as he wiped the earth" means to cut a long distance, or it means "very honest", or "He in Hebrew is called 'Masyih' and became Arabized 'Still'. "
The Antichrist is called the Messiah, because the eyes of a lost, another opinion: "that rubbed the earth means that cuts the distance", "a physically ugly". (An-Nihayah, 4/326-327)
2 Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari from Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma.
3 Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abdullah ibn Umar radi 'anhuma.
4 Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurayrah.
5 Similarly, in the Gospel. As for the Muslims to believe that he has not even lifted off toward Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, as we explain in the next discussion, insha Allah.
6 You can see excerpts their utterances in the book Asyrathus Sa'ah it. 350-352.
Sources: Author: Al-Ustadz Qomar ZA, Lc Title: The fall of Prophet Jesus' alaihissalam in the End Times, A creed is obligatory to believe

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