Know the Al-Imam Al-Mahdi
Shari'a actually has clearly explained the definition and description will be presenting the figure of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi. However bersemainya irregularities inevitably make a picture of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi became blurred.
The emergence of faith will
Shari'a actually has clearly explained the definition and description will be presenting the figure of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi. However bersemainya irregularities inevitably make a picture of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi became blurred.
The emergence of faith will
Has become the duty of every Muslim to believe everything preached by
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, which is a consequence
of our testimony "Muhammad is His servant and messenger." From Abu
Hurayrah, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى يشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله ويؤمنوا بي وبما جئت به, فإذا فعلوا ذلك عصموا مني دماءهم وأموالهم إلا بحقها وحسابهم على الله
"I am commanded to fight against people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that is that they believe in what I have. If they do that then they have protected their blood and property from me except with her right. The calculation is left to God. "(Saheeh, HR. Muslim, Bab Al-Iman Kitabul Amr bi Qitalin Nas Hatta.)
In fact Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has stressed:
وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا
"What the Messenger to you then receive him. And what he forbids you then leave. "(Al-Hashr: 7)
This shows the necessity of faith with all who reported the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, good news related to what is past or future. These include the emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi.
News will be the emergence of the figure of fair enforcement sunnah nan was submitted by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in many hadith. Not even a little of the scholars who claim that the hadith achieve mutawatir degrees in meaning, so there is no longer room for anyone to deny it. Among the scholars who claim kemutawatiran-hadith Hadith is Hasan Abul-Husayn ibn Muhammad Sijzi (d. 363 AH), Muhammad Al-litany (d. 1103 H), As-Safarini, As-Sakhawi, ash-Syaukani, Siddiq Hasan Khan, Al-Kattani, etc. rahimahumullah.
And the scholars who say keshahihan hadith about the Mahdi are very many, of the earlier and later scholars. Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullahu have mentioned some names, of which 16 scholars I mentioned in part: Abu Dawud, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Taymiyyah, Adh-Dzahabi, Ibn al-Qayyim, and Ibn Hajar rahimahumullah.
So it became one of the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. As-Safarini said: "There have been many reports which mention the emergence of Al-Mahdi mutawatir so as to achieve a degree of significance. And it has spread among the Ahlus Sunnah aqeedah so teranggap as them .... "-he mentioned the hadith, atsar and names of the friends who narrated, and then he said," And it has been narrated from the Companions are mentioned and in addition to those with a history of many, also from the tabi'in after them, that with all that knowledge is certain to profit. So believe in the advent of Mahdi is mandatory as stipulated by the scholars and written in the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. (Lawami'ul Anwar Al-Bahiyyah, 2/84)
Some of the Hadith of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi
A. Abdullah bin Mas'ud of radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, he said:
لو لم يبق من الدنيا إلا يوم - قال زائدة في حديثه - لطول الله ذلك اليوم حتى يبعث فيه رجلا مني - أو من أهل بيتي - يواطئ اسمه اسمي واسم أبيه اسم أبي, يملأ الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملئت ظلما وجورا
"If nothing remains of the world but one day-Za` Idah (one of the narrator) said in a hadith, Allah will certainly long, these days, so God sent him a man of my family from me-or-. His name according to my name, and his father's name as my father's name. He filled the earth with justice as it has previously been filled with tyranny and keculasan. "(Hasan Saheeh, HR. Abu Dawud, Saheeh Sunan no. 4282; sanadnya rahimahullahu jayyid according to Ibn al-Qayyim in al-Munif Manarul; At-Tirmidhi no. 2230, 2231 ; Ibn Hibban no. 6824, 6825)
2. Of 'Ali (ibn Abi Talib) radi' anhudari Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:
لو لم يبق من الدهر إلا يوم لبعث الله رجلا من أهل بيتي يملؤها عدلا كما ملئت جورا
"If nothing left of it except for one day, God will surely come up with a man from experts baitku (my family) that will meet the world with justice as the (previously) has met with foul play." (Saheeh, HR. Abu Dawud no. Book 4283 Al-Mahdi, and this is lafadznya, Ibn Majah no. 4085, Kitabul Fitan Chapter Khurujul Mahdi)
3. From Umm Salamah radi 'anha, she said: I heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
المهدي من عترتي من ولد فاطمة
"Al-Mahdi from the family of the sons of Fatima." (Saheeh, HR. Abu Dawud and this lafadznya, Saheeh Sunan no. 4284, Ibn Majah no. 4086, and Al-Hakim no. 8735, 8736)
4. From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri radi 'anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam has said:
المهدي مني, أجلى الجبهة أقنى الأنف, يملأ الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملئت جورا وظلما يملك سبع سنين
"Al-Mahdi from me, his forehead broad, his nose aquiline, fill the earth with justice as the (previously) has been met with a tyranny, ruled for seven years." (Hasan, HR. Abu Dawud no. Lafadznya 4285 and this, Ibn Majah no. 4083 , At-Tirmidhi, Chapter Fitan Kitabul Ma Ja `a Mahdi Fil no. 2232, Ibn Hibban no. 6823, 6826 and Al-Hakim no. 8733, 8734, 8737)
5. From Abu Hurayrah, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:
كيف أنتم إذا نزل ابن مريم فيكم وإمامكم منكم?
"What about you guys if you go down to the son of Mary, while the priest you of you?" (Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari, Book Chapters Nuzul Ahaditsul Anbiya `Isa Ibni Maryam, no. 3449; Muslim Faith in Chapter Fi Kitabul Nuzul Ibni Maryam, 2/369, 390)
6. Of Jabir bin Abdillah radi 'anhu, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تزال طائفة من أمتي يقاتلون على الحق ظاهرين إلى يوم القيامة. قال: فينزل عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام فيقول أميرهم: تعال صل لنا, فيقول: لا, إن بعضكم على بعض أمراء تكرمة الله هذه الأمة
"There are still a bunch of my people will fight over the truth. They are superior to the Day of Resurrection, then down 'Isa son of Maryam. Then their leader said: 'Come, be our priest.' He replied: 'No, some of you are leaders over others, as the glory of God to these people.' "(Sahih, HR. Muslim Faith in Chapter Kitabul La Tazal Tha `ifah min ummati, 2/370, no. 393)
Hadiths found in Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim shows two things:
First: When the fall of 'Isa ibn Maryam from the sky, who assumed leadership of the Muslims when it is one of them.
Second: The existence of their leaders to pray, and he lead the Muslims, as well as his request to the Prophet 'Isa' alaihissalam while falling to lead them. This all shows keshalihan leader and that he is above instructions.
And (in the hadith) that although there is no assertion by lafadz Al-Mahdi, but exhibit a righteous man who lead the Muslims at that time. And there are hadiths in the books of Sunan and Musnad and others, who testified that the hadiths that exist in the two books of hadeeth indicates that the righteous man named Muhammad bin Abdullah from the descendants of Al-Hasan bin 'Ali, known as Al -Mahdi. And the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was partly explain some of the others. Among the hadith shows it is a hadith which diriwayatktan by Al-Harith ibn Abi Usamah in his Musnad with sanadnya of Jabir radi 'anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
ينزل عيسى ابن مريم فيقول أميرهم المهدي: تعال, صل بنا. فيقول: لا, إن بعضهم أمير بعض, تكرمة الله لهذه الأمة
"Jesus son of Mary to fall, and their leader Al-Mahdi said: 'Our Imamilah'. He replied: 'Surely some of them leaders of one another, as the glory of God to these people.' "
This hadith is said by Ibn al-Qayyim in his book Al-rahimahullahu Manarul Munif: "Sanadnya good." (Abdul Muhsin Al-'Abbad,' Aqidatu Ahlil Atsar. See also Ash-Saheehah, no. 2236)
The name of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi and Nasabnya
His name is Muhammad or Ahmad bin Abdullah. As in the past hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "His name is in accordance with my name, and his father's name matches the name of my father."
He was a descendant of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, in which is mentioned in history: "From the experts baitku." (Narrated by Abu Dawood, no. 4282 and 4283). In another narration: "From my close family ('itrah me)." (Narrated by Abu Dawood, no. 4284). In another narration: "From me." (Abu Dawud no. 4285) from the path of marriage 'Ali bin Abu Talib and Fatima bintu Rasulillah. As in the hadith and said: "Someone from my family" and "from the children of Fatima." (Abu Dawud no. 4284)
Therefore, Ibn Kathir rahimahullahu said: "He is Muhammad bin Abdillah Al-'Alawi (descendant of Ali) al-Fathimi (descendants of Fatima) Al-Hasani (descendants of Al-Hasan). Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to fix it in one night that gave him repentance, Taufik, gave him the insight and guidance but had not. "(An-fil Nihayah Malahim wal Fitan, 1/17, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
Physical properties
Among the physical properties are as mentioned in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood (no. 4285) and others:
أجلى الجبهة That is, the "hair of the head revealed the front," or "His forehead was wide."
أقنى الأنف "Her nose was sharp, sharp edges, the middle a little ride."
Al-Qari said: "I mean, he did not snub, because such a form that does not like."
Spreading Justice
Among the properties of Al-Mahdi is that he is spreading justice and eliminate tyranny and keculasan. As mentioned in the hadith: "Meeting the earth with justice as kezhaliman previously met with." (Abu Dawud no. 4282, 4283, 4285)
So stated in the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi 'anhu, the Prophet said:
يكون في أمتي المهدي إن قصر فسبع وإلا فتسع فتنعم فيه أمتي نعمة لم ينعموا مثلها قط تؤتى أكلها ولا تدخر منهم شيئا والمال يومئذ كدوس فيقوم الرجل فيقول: يا مهدي أعطني. فيقول: خذ
"There will come on my people, Al-Mahdi when his time is short seven years, if not then 9 years old. So my people at that time given pleasure to the pleasure they have never experienced anything like that at all. They were given extensive rizki. They do not save anything. Property when it is abundant, so someone got up and said: 'O Mahdi, give me.' Then He replied: 'Take it'. "(Hasan, HR. Ibn Majah no. 4083, Kitabul Fitan Chapter Khurujul Mahdi, 4/412, and Al- Judge no. 8739. Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullahu menghasankannya)
In the history of al-Tirmidhi mentioned:
فيجيء إليه رجل فيقول: يا مهدي, أعطني, أعطني. قال: فيحثي له في ثوبه ما استطاع أن يحمله
"So someone came to him saying: 'O Mahdi, give me, give me.' The Prophet said:" Mahdi Then pour her on his clothes until he can not take it. "
Rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "In his time, many fruits. Bushy plants, abundant possessions. Really powerful rulers, religion becomes erect, the enemy became contemptible, goodness manifested in his time constantly. "(An-Fil-Malahim Nihayah 1/18, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
In the history of Al-Hakim, said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يخرج في آخر أمتي المهدي يسقيه الله الغيث, وتخرج الأرض نباتها, ويعطي المال صحاحا, وتكثر الماشية وتعظم الأمة, يعيش سبعا أو ثمانيا - يعني حججا -
"It comes at the end of my Ummah Al-Mahdi. God poured rain, so the earth removing plants. He divided the property equally. Cattle more and more, people became great. He lived for 7 or 8-years-ie. "(Narrated by al-Hakim, Kitabul Fitan Malahim wal no. 8737. He said it as a saheeh hadeeth sanadnya, and agreed by the Adh-Dzahabi and Ibn Khaldun. Ash-Shaykh Al- rahimahullahu Albani said: "Sanadnya authentic." See Ash-Saheehah, 4/40, hadeeth no. 1529)
The rise time
In the book Sharh Sunan Tuhfatul Ahwadzi-Tirmidhi stated: "Know, which was known among all followers of Islam during the time that the end times would come one of the Ahl-ul-stanza (the family of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) who defend religion and spread justice, and followed by Muslims. He also mastered the Islamic kingdoms. He was nicknamed Al-Mahdi. Also on the release of Antichrist and the apocalypse signs afterward found in Saheeh, emerged later. And that the emergence of 'Isa also afterwards, then he kills the Dajjal. Or 'Isa down afterwards and helped to kill the Dajjal and the Mahdi bermakmum in prayer. "(Chapter Fitan Kitabul Ma Ja` a fil Mahdi)
At-Tirmidhi narrated from Zir bin rahimahullahu Abdillah radi 'anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تذهب الدنيا حتى يملك العرب رجل من أهل بيتي يواطئ اسمه اسمي
"The world will not disappear until a master of the Arab family. His name according to my name. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi no. 2230, Chapter Fitan Kitabul Ma Ja` a fil Mahdi, 4/438 and he said: "Hasan Saheeh." Similarly, Al-Albaani said in Saheeh Sunan At rahimahullahu -Tirmidhi)
From here, it means the emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi is in the end times begin at once the signs of the coming apocalypse. However, some scholars had doubts, whether the Mahdi is a great early sign or another sign. Some scholars declare with confidence that the Mahdi as the first sign, then in succession came another sign. Among those who stated clearly that this is Muhammad Al-litany rahimahullahu (d. 1103 H). He says in his book Al-'Isha `ah li Asyrath As-Hour:" Part Third, large signs and signs that are close, after which came the day of Judgment, and that too much. Among them Al-Mahdi, and was the first. "(Quoted from the 'Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Atsar fil Mahdi Al-Muntazhar)
The rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "The emergence, later at the end of time. And I think the release is before the revelation of 'Isa ibn Maryam, as indicated by the ahaadeeth related to it. "
His reign period
Contained in Sunan At-Tirmidhi:
إن في أمتي المهدي يخرج يعيش خمسا أو سبعا أو تسعا - زيد الشاك - قال: قلنا: وما ذاك? قال: سنين.
"Surely, in my community there are al-Mahdi. He appears, life (power) 5 or 7 or 9. "-Zaid (one narrator / narrators)-doubt. Abu Sa'id said: "What is it?" He said: "Years."
يكون في أمتي المهدي إن قصر فسبع وإلا فتسع
"My people will come to the Al-Mahdi, when his time is 7 years shorter, if not then 9 years old." (Narrated by Ibn Majah no. 4083)
With a history of this distinction, then rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "This shows that the length of stay (power) it is 9 years old, and at least 5 or 7 years." (An-Fil Nihayah Malahim wal Fitan, 1/18, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
While Al-Mubarakfuri said: "That is, the doubt comes from Zaid. While the Companions Abu Sa'id narrated by Abu Dawud: 'and the master for 7 years "without a doubt. Similarly, in the hadith of Umm Salamah narrated by Abu Dawud with lafadz 'then he stayed for seven years "without a doubt. Then the history of the firm is more advanced than the doubt. "(Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 6/15, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
The emergence of origin
Above narrations show that the emergence of the east or Al-Masyriq. Rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said:
"The advent of Mahdi from developing countries rather than cave east of Samarra, as suspected by people ignorant of the Shiites." (An-Fil Nihayah Malafim Fitan wal, 1/17, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
From Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu, he said:
بينما نحن عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذ أقبل فتية من بني هاشم فلما رآهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اغرورقت عيناه وتغير لونه. قال: فقلت: ما نزال نرى في وجهك شيئا نكرهه. فقال: إنا أهل بيت اختار الله لنا الآخرة على الدنيا, وإن أهل بيتي سيلقون بعدي بلاء وتشريدا وتطريدا حتى يأتي قوم من قبل المشرق معهم رايات سود فيسألون الخير فلا يعطونه فيقاتلون فينصرون فيعطون ما سألوا فلا يقبلونه حتى يدفعوها إلى رجل من أهل بيتي فيملؤها قسطا كما ملئوها جورا, فمن أدرك ذلك منكم فليأتهم ولو حبوا على الثلج
"When we was with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, came suddenly a group of young men of Bani Hashim. When the Prophet saw them, his eyes teary eyes and transformed her features. So I said: 'We are still looking at your face is not something we like.' Then he said: 'We ahlul stanza. God chose us rather than the Hereafter for the world. And indeed after me, my family will meet with disasters and evictions. Until the coming of a people from the east, with them there hitam1 colored flag. They asked good, but they were not given, then they fight and get help so that they are given what they asked for, but they did not accept it. Until they hand over to someone from my family. Then he filled the earth with justice as the people filling it with kezhaliman. Whoever of you find it so come to them, even by crawling on the ice. '"(Narrated by Ibn Majah no. 4082, hasan sanadnya lighairihi by Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani in the Adh-Dha'ifah rahimahullahu, 1/197, on discussion of the hadith no. 85)
As-Sindi said: "The look, the story is a signal state of the promised Mahdi. Therefore, the authors (Ibn Majah) This hadith mentioned in this chapter (chapter out of Al-Mahdi). "
Rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "And the people of the east supports (Al-Mahdi), and helped him establish his religion, and fortified. Black flag, and it is an outfit that has the authority, because the black flag of the Prophet called Al-Iqab. "(An-fil Nihayah Malahim, 1/17, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
He also said: "I mean, Al-Mahdi who praised the promised release of the end times is the emergence of origin from the east, and diba'iat the Kaaba as mentioned by the hadith texts." (Ditto, 1/17)
About where bai'atnya been hinted at by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Someone had been inducted in the pillars (Black Stone) and the Maqam (Abraham)." (Narrated by Ibn Hibban no. 6827 , Ahmad, and Al-Hakim, and he menshahihkannya)
The process of emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi
The emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi was not like a magic vanity, which seem to appear without cause and all of a sudden. However, following the emergence of the laws of nature, namely, through a process towards it.
Describes it, Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullahu said: "... The Prophet gave the glad tidings of the arrival of someone from his family and he mentioned it to the outstanding properties. Among the most important characteristics is that he arbitrate with Islam and spread justice among men.
So, in essence, he included the mujaddid that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to appear at the end of every 100 years, as authentic news (about it) than he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. It (the existence of a religious in any one century) also does not mean do not need to seek knowledge and practice it to update the religion. Thus, the release of Al-Mahdi will not mean lazy, therefore, not prepared or do good and to enforce the laws of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala on earth. On the contrary (charity) that is true, as Al-Mahdi may not attempt more than our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did that for 23 years to strengthen the pillars of Islam and uphold his country.
So what about Al-Mahdi will do if he came and found the Muslims in the divided state, in groups and their scholars (up)-but few of them, (because) the people have made them as leaders. Sure (Al-Mahdi) will not be able to establish an Islamic state unless they unite and unify their sentences in a row and a single flag.
And this, without doubt, take a long time, Allah knows about it. Shari'a and the reason, they require that people who are sincere Muslims among these obligations. So that when Al-Mahdi came out, there is no residence requirement except to drive them to victory. If not get out, then they too have done their duty and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وقل اعملوا فسيرى الله عملكم ورسوله والمؤمنون
"And say: 'Beramallah you, then Allah and His Messenger and the believers will see that your deeds.'" (At-Tawbah: 105) [Genealogical al-ahadith al-Saheehah, 4/42-43]
And Allaah knows best.
1 rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "The flag was not brought Abu Muslim of Khurasan who then destroyed the Umayyad dynasty in 132 H. Yet another black flag, which came accompanied Al-Mahdi. "(An-Nihayah, 1/17)
Nor is that the Taliban forces in Afghanistan, as mentioned in the poster titled End Times melee Muhammad Amin Jamaludin work is selling it. The leaflet itself is loaded with various predictions and takwil (read: abuse of the meaning) the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the signs of the Hour. Muslims should not quickly impressed with such takwil. As well as this does not mean to deny the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the end times events.
Quoted from Author: Al-Ustadz Qomar ZA, Lc. Title: Knowing Al-Imam Al-Mahdi...
أمرت أن أقاتل الناس حتى يشهدوا أن لا إله إلا الله ويؤمنوا بي وبما جئت به, فإذا فعلوا ذلك عصموا مني دماءهم وأموالهم إلا بحقها وحسابهم على الله
"I am commanded to fight against people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that is that they believe in what I have. If they do that then they have protected their blood and property from me except with her right. The calculation is left to God. "(Saheeh, HR. Muslim, Bab Al-Iman Kitabul Amr bi Qitalin Nas Hatta.)
In fact Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has stressed:
وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا
"What the Messenger to you then receive him. And what he forbids you then leave. "(Al-Hashr: 7)
This shows the necessity of faith with all who reported the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, good news related to what is past or future. These include the emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi.
News will be the emergence of the figure of fair enforcement sunnah nan was submitted by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in many hadith. Not even a little of the scholars who claim that the hadith achieve mutawatir degrees in meaning, so there is no longer room for anyone to deny it. Among the scholars who claim kemutawatiran-hadith Hadith is Hasan Abul-Husayn ibn Muhammad Sijzi (d. 363 AH), Muhammad Al-litany (d. 1103 H), As-Safarini, As-Sakhawi, ash-Syaukani, Siddiq Hasan Khan, Al-Kattani, etc. rahimahumullah.
And the scholars who say keshahihan hadith about the Mahdi are very many, of the earlier and later scholars. Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullahu have mentioned some names, of which 16 scholars I mentioned in part: Abu Dawud, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Taymiyyah, Adh-Dzahabi, Ibn al-Qayyim, and Ibn Hajar rahimahumullah.
So it became one of the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. As-Safarini said: "There have been many reports which mention the emergence of Al-Mahdi mutawatir so as to achieve a degree of significance. And it has spread among the Ahlus Sunnah aqeedah so teranggap as them .... "-he mentioned the hadith, atsar and names of the friends who narrated, and then he said," And it has been narrated from the Companions are mentioned and in addition to those with a history of many, also from the tabi'in after them, that with all that knowledge is certain to profit. So believe in the advent of Mahdi is mandatory as stipulated by the scholars and written in the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. (Lawami'ul Anwar Al-Bahiyyah, 2/84)
Some of the Hadith of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi
A. Abdullah bin Mas'ud of radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, he said:
لو لم يبق من الدنيا إلا يوم - قال زائدة في حديثه - لطول الله ذلك اليوم حتى يبعث فيه رجلا مني - أو من أهل بيتي - يواطئ اسمه اسمي واسم أبيه اسم أبي, يملأ الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملئت ظلما وجورا
"If nothing remains of the world but one day-Za` Idah (one of the narrator) said in a hadith, Allah will certainly long, these days, so God sent him a man of my family from me-or-. His name according to my name, and his father's name as my father's name. He filled the earth with justice as it has previously been filled with tyranny and keculasan. "(Hasan Saheeh, HR. Abu Dawud, Saheeh Sunan no. 4282; sanadnya rahimahullahu jayyid according to Ibn al-Qayyim in al-Munif Manarul; At-Tirmidhi no. 2230, 2231 ; Ibn Hibban no. 6824, 6825)
2. Of 'Ali (ibn Abi Talib) radi' anhudari Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:
لو لم يبق من الدهر إلا يوم لبعث الله رجلا من أهل بيتي يملؤها عدلا كما ملئت جورا
"If nothing left of it except for one day, God will surely come up with a man from experts baitku (my family) that will meet the world with justice as the (previously) has met with foul play." (Saheeh, HR. Abu Dawud no. Book 4283 Al-Mahdi, and this is lafadznya, Ibn Majah no. 4085, Kitabul Fitan Chapter Khurujul Mahdi)
3. From Umm Salamah radi 'anha, she said: I heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
المهدي من عترتي من ولد فاطمة
"Al-Mahdi from the family of the sons of Fatima." (Saheeh, HR. Abu Dawud and this lafadznya, Saheeh Sunan no. 4284, Ibn Majah no. 4086, and Al-Hakim no. 8735, 8736)
4. From Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri radi 'anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam has said:
المهدي مني, أجلى الجبهة أقنى الأنف, يملأ الأرض قسطا وعدلا كما ملئت جورا وظلما يملك سبع سنين
"Al-Mahdi from me, his forehead broad, his nose aquiline, fill the earth with justice as the (previously) has been met with a tyranny, ruled for seven years." (Hasan, HR. Abu Dawud no. Lafadznya 4285 and this, Ibn Majah no. 4083 , At-Tirmidhi, Chapter Fitan Kitabul Ma Ja `a Mahdi Fil no. 2232, Ibn Hibban no. 6823, 6826 and Al-Hakim no. 8733, 8734, 8737)
5. From Abu Hurayrah, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has said:
كيف أنتم إذا نزل ابن مريم فيكم وإمامكم منكم?
"What about you guys if you go down to the son of Mary, while the priest you of you?" (Saheeh, HR. Al-Bukhari, Book Chapters Nuzul Ahaditsul Anbiya `Isa Ibni Maryam, no. 3449; Muslim Faith in Chapter Fi Kitabul Nuzul Ibni Maryam, 2/369, 390)
6. Of Jabir bin Abdillah radi 'anhu, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تزال طائفة من أمتي يقاتلون على الحق ظاهرين إلى يوم القيامة. قال: فينزل عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام فيقول أميرهم: تعال صل لنا, فيقول: لا, إن بعضكم على بعض أمراء تكرمة الله هذه الأمة
"There are still a bunch of my people will fight over the truth. They are superior to the Day of Resurrection, then down 'Isa son of Maryam. Then their leader said: 'Come, be our priest.' He replied: 'No, some of you are leaders over others, as the glory of God to these people.' "(Sahih, HR. Muslim Faith in Chapter Kitabul La Tazal Tha `ifah min ummati, 2/370, no. 393)
Hadiths found in Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim shows two things:
First: When the fall of 'Isa ibn Maryam from the sky, who assumed leadership of the Muslims when it is one of them.
Second: The existence of their leaders to pray, and he lead the Muslims, as well as his request to the Prophet 'Isa' alaihissalam while falling to lead them. This all shows keshalihan leader and that he is above instructions.
And (in the hadith) that although there is no assertion by lafadz Al-Mahdi, but exhibit a righteous man who lead the Muslims at that time. And there are hadiths in the books of Sunan and Musnad and others, who testified that the hadiths that exist in the two books of hadeeth indicates that the righteous man named Muhammad bin Abdullah from the descendants of Al-Hasan bin 'Ali, known as Al -Mahdi. And the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was partly explain some of the others. Among the hadith shows it is a hadith which diriwayatktan by Al-Harith ibn Abi Usamah in his Musnad with sanadnya of Jabir radi 'anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
ينزل عيسى ابن مريم فيقول أميرهم المهدي: تعال, صل بنا. فيقول: لا, إن بعضهم أمير بعض, تكرمة الله لهذه الأمة
"Jesus son of Mary to fall, and their leader Al-Mahdi said: 'Our Imamilah'. He replied: 'Surely some of them leaders of one another, as the glory of God to these people.' "
This hadith is said by Ibn al-Qayyim in his book Al-rahimahullahu Manarul Munif: "Sanadnya good." (Abdul Muhsin Al-'Abbad,' Aqidatu Ahlil Atsar. See also Ash-Saheehah, no. 2236)
The name of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi and Nasabnya
His name is Muhammad or Ahmad bin Abdullah. As in the past hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "His name is in accordance with my name, and his father's name matches the name of my father."
He was a descendant of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, in which is mentioned in history: "From the experts baitku." (Narrated by Abu Dawood, no. 4282 and 4283). In another narration: "From my close family ('itrah me)." (Narrated by Abu Dawood, no. 4284). In another narration: "From me." (Abu Dawud no. 4285) from the path of marriage 'Ali bin Abu Talib and Fatima bintu Rasulillah. As in the hadith and said: "Someone from my family" and "from the children of Fatima." (Abu Dawud no. 4284)
Therefore, Ibn Kathir rahimahullahu said: "He is Muhammad bin Abdillah Al-'Alawi (descendant of Ali) al-Fathimi (descendants of Fatima) Al-Hasani (descendants of Al-Hasan). Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to fix it in one night that gave him repentance, Taufik, gave him the insight and guidance but had not. "(An-fil Nihayah Malahim wal Fitan, 1/17, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
Physical properties
Among the physical properties are as mentioned in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood (no. 4285) and others:
أجلى الجبهة That is, the "hair of the head revealed the front," or "His forehead was wide."
أقنى الأنف "Her nose was sharp, sharp edges, the middle a little ride."
Al-Qari said: "I mean, he did not snub, because such a form that does not like."
Spreading Justice
Among the properties of Al-Mahdi is that he is spreading justice and eliminate tyranny and keculasan. As mentioned in the hadith: "Meeting the earth with justice as kezhaliman previously met with." (Abu Dawud no. 4282, 4283, 4285)
So stated in the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi 'anhu, the Prophet said:
يكون في أمتي المهدي إن قصر فسبع وإلا فتسع فتنعم فيه أمتي نعمة لم ينعموا مثلها قط تؤتى أكلها ولا تدخر منهم شيئا والمال يومئذ كدوس فيقوم الرجل فيقول: يا مهدي أعطني. فيقول: خذ
"There will come on my people, Al-Mahdi when his time is short seven years, if not then 9 years old. So my people at that time given pleasure to the pleasure they have never experienced anything like that at all. They were given extensive rizki. They do not save anything. Property when it is abundant, so someone got up and said: 'O Mahdi, give me.' Then He replied: 'Take it'. "(Hasan, HR. Ibn Majah no. 4083, Kitabul Fitan Chapter Khurujul Mahdi, 4/412, and Al- Judge no. 8739. Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullahu menghasankannya)
In the history of al-Tirmidhi mentioned:
فيجيء إليه رجل فيقول: يا مهدي, أعطني, أعطني. قال: فيحثي له في ثوبه ما استطاع أن يحمله
"So someone came to him saying: 'O Mahdi, give me, give me.' The Prophet said:" Mahdi Then pour her on his clothes until he can not take it. "
Rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "In his time, many fruits. Bushy plants, abundant possessions. Really powerful rulers, religion becomes erect, the enemy became contemptible, goodness manifested in his time constantly. "(An-Fil-Malahim Nihayah 1/18, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
In the history of Al-Hakim, said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يخرج في آخر أمتي المهدي يسقيه الله الغيث, وتخرج الأرض نباتها, ويعطي المال صحاحا, وتكثر الماشية وتعظم الأمة, يعيش سبعا أو ثمانيا - يعني حججا -
"It comes at the end of my Ummah Al-Mahdi. God poured rain, so the earth removing plants. He divided the property equally. Cattle more and more, people became great. He lived for 7 or 8-years-ie. "(Narrated by al-Hakim, Kitabul Fitan Malahim wal no. 8737. He said it as a saheeh hadeeth sanadnya, and agreed by the Adh-Dzahabi and Ibn Khaldun. Ash-Shaykh Al- rahimahullahu Albani said: "Sanadnya authentic." See Ash-Saheehah, 4/40, hadeeth no. 1529)
The rise time
In the book Sharh Sunan Tuhfatul Ahwadzi-Tirmidhi stated: "Know, which was known among all followers of Islam during the time that the end times would come one of the Ahl-ul-stanza (the family of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) who defend religion and spread justice, and followed by Muslims. He also mastered the Islamic kingdoms. He was nicknamed Al-Mahdi. Also on the release of Antichrist and the apocalypse signs afterward found in Saheeh, emerged later. And that the emergence of 'Isa also afterwards, then he kills the Dajjal. Or 'Isa down afterwards and helped to kill the Dajjal and the Mahdi bermakmum in prayer. "(Chapter Fitan Kitabul Ma Ja` a fil Mahdi)
At-Tirmidhi narrated from Zir bin rahimahullahu Abdillah radi 'anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تذهب الدنيا حتى يملك العرب رجل من أهل بيتي يواطئ اسمه اسمي
"The world will not disappear until a master of the Arab family. His name according to my name. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi no. 2230, Chapter Fitan Kitabul Ma Ja` a fil Mahdi, 4/438 and he said: "Hasan Saheeh." Similarly, Al-Albaani said in Saheeh Sunan At rahimahullahu -Tirmidhi)
From here, it means the emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi is in the end times begin at once the signs of the coming apocalypse. However, some scholars had doubts, whether the Mahdi is a great early sign or another sign. Some scholars declare with confidence that the Mahdi as the first sign, then in succession came another sign. Among those who stated clearly that this is Muhammad Al-litany rahimahullahu (d. 1103 H). He says in his book Al-'Isha `ah li Asyrath As-Hour:" Part Third, large signs and signs that are close, after which came the day of Judgment, and that too much. Among them Al-Mahdi, and was the first. "(Quoted from the 'Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Atsar fil Mahdi Al-Muntazhar)
The rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "The emergence, later at the end of time. And I think the release is before the revelation of 'Isa ibn Maryam, as indicated by the ahaadeeth related to it. "
His reign period
Contained in Sunan At-Tirmidhi:
إن في أمتي المهدي يخرج يعيش خمسا أو سبعا أو تسعا - زيد الشاك - قال: قلنا: وما ذاك? قال: سنين.
"Surely, in my community there are al-Mahdi. He appears, life (power) 5 or 7 or 9. "-Zaid (one narrator / narrators)-doubt. Abu Sa'id said: "What is it?" He said: "Years."
يكون في أمتي المهدي إن قصر فسبع وإلا فتسع
"My people will come to the Al-Mahdi, when his time is 7 years shorter, if not then 9 years old." (Narrated by Ibn Majah no. 4083)
With a history of this distinction, then rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "This shows that the length of stay (power) it is 9 years old, and at least 5 or 7 years." (An-Fil Nihayah Malahim wal Fitan, 1/18, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
While Al-Mubarakfuri said: "That is, the doubt comes from Zaid. While the Companions Abu Sa'id narrated by Abu Dawud: 'and the master for 7 years "without a doubt. Similarly, in the hadith of Umm Salamah narrated by Abu Dawud with lafadz 'then he stayed for seven years "without a doubt. Then the history of the firm is more advanced than the doubt. "(Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 6/15, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
The emergence of origin
Above narrations show that the emergence of the east or Al-Masyriq. Rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said:
"The advent of Mahdi from developing countries rather than cave east of Samarra, as suspected by people ignorant of the Shiites." (An-Fil Nihayah Malafim Fitan wal, 1/17, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
From Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu, he said:
بينما نحن عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذ أقبل فتية من بني هاشم فلما رآهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اغرورقت عيناه وتغير لونه. قال: فقلت: ما نزال نرى في وجهك شيئا نكرهه. فقال: إنا أهل بيت اختار الله لنا الآخرة على الدنيا, وإن أهل بيتي سيلقون بعدي بلاء وتشريدا وتطريدا حتى يأتي قوم من قبل المشرق معهم رايات سود فيسألون الخير فلا يعطونه فيقاتلون فينصرون فيعطون ما سألوا فلا يقبلونه حتى يدفعوها إلى رجل من أهل بيتي فيملؤها قسطا كما ملئوها جورا, فمن أدرك ذلك منكم فليأتهم ولو حبوا على الثلج
"When we was with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, came suddenly a group of young men of Bani Hashim. When the Prophet saw them, his eyes teary eyes and transformed her features. So I said: 'We are still looking at your face is not something we like.' Then he said: 'We ahlul stanza. God chose us rather than the Hereafter for the world. And indeed after me, my family will meet with disasters and evictions. Until the coming of a people from the east, with them there hitam1 colored flag. They asked good, but they were not given, then they fight and get help so that they are given what they asked for, but they did not accept it. Until they hand over to someone from my family. Then he filled the earth with justice as the people filling it with kezhaliman. Whoever of you find it so come to them, even by crawling on the ice. '"(Narrated by Ibn Majah no. 4082, hasan sanadnya lighairihi by Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani in the Adh-Dha'ifah rahimahullahu, 1/197, on discussion of the hadith no. 85)
As-Sindi said: "The look, the story is a signal state of the promised Mahdi. Therefore, the authors (Ibn Majah) This hadith mentioned in this chapter (chapter out of Al-Mahdi). "
Rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "And the people of the east supports (Al-Mahdi), and helped him establish his religion, and fortified. Black flag, and it is an outfit that has the authority, because the black flag of the Prophet called Al-Iqab. "(An-fil Nihayah Malahim, 1/17, Program Maktabah Syamilah)
He also said: "I mean, Al-Mahdi who praised the promised release of the end times is the emergence of origin from the east, and diba'iat the Kaaba as mentioned by the hadith texts." (Ditto, 1/17)
About where bai'atnya been hinted at by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Someone had been inducted in the pillars (Black Stone) and the Maqam (Abraham)." (Narrated by Ibn Hibban no. 6827 , Ahmad, and Al-Hakim, and he menshahihkannya)
The process of emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi
The emergence of Al-Imam Al-Mahdi was not like a magic vanity, which seem to appear without cause and all of a sudden. However, following the emergence of the laws of nature, namely, through a process towards it.
Describes it, Ash-Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullahu said: "... The Prophet gave the glad tidings of the arrival of someone from his family and he mentioned it to the outstanding properties. Among the most important characteristics is that he arbitrate with Islam and spread justice among men.
So, in essence, he included the mujaddid that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to appear at the end of every 100 years, as authentic news (about it) than he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. It (the existence of a religious in any one century) also does not mean do not need to seek knowledge and practice it to update the religion. Thus, the release of Al-Mahdi will not mean lazy, therefore, not prepared or do good and to enforce the laws of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala on earth. On the contrary (charity) that is true, as Al-Mahdi may not attempt more than our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did that for 23 years to strengthen the pillars of Islam and uphold his country.
So what about Al-Mahdi will do if he came and found the Muslims in the divided state, in groups and their scholars (up)-but few of them, (because) the people have made them as leaders. Sure (Al-Mahdi) will not be able to establish an Islamic state unless they unite and unify their sentences in a row and a single flag.
And this, without doubt, take a long time, Allah knows about it. Shari'a and the reason, they require that people who are sincere Muslims among these obligations. So that when Al-Mahdi came out, there is no residence requirement except to drive them to victory. If not get out, then they too have done their duty and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وقل اعملوا فسيرى الله عملكم ورسوله والمؤمنون
"And say: 'Beramallah you, then Allah and His Messenger and the believers will see that your deeds.'" (At-Tawbah: 105) [Genealogical al-ahadith al-Saheehah, 4/42-43]
And Allaah knows best.
1 rahimahullahu Ibn Kathir said: "The flag was not brought Abu Muslim of Khurasan who then destroyed the Umayyad dynasty in 132 H. Yet another black flag, which came accompanied Al-Mahdi. "(An-Nihayah, 1/17)
Nor is that the Taliban forces in Afghanistan, as mentioned in the poster titled End Times melee Muhammad Amin Jamaludin work is selling it. The leaflet itself is loaded with various predictions and takwil (read: abuse of the meaning) the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the signs of the Hour. Muslims should not quickly impressed with such takwil. As well as this does not mean to deny the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the end times events.
Quoted from Author: Al-Ustadz Qomar ZA, Lc. Title: Knowing Al-Imam Al-Mahdi...
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Api Jihad Fisabilillah Akhir Zaman telah kami kobarkan
Panji-Panji Perang Nabimu sudah kami kibarkan
Arasy KeagunganMu sudah bergetar Hebat Ya Allah,
Wahai Allah yang Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang
hamba memohon kepadaMu keluarkan para Muqarrabin bersama kami
Allahumma a’izzal islam wal muslim wa adzillas syirka wal musyrikin wa dammir a’da aka a’da addin wa iradaka suui ‘alaihim yaa Robbal ‘alamin.
Wahai ALLAH muliakanlah islam dan Kaum Muslimin, hinakan dan rendahkanlah kesyirikan dan pelaku kemusyrikan dan hancurkanlah musuh-mu dan musuh agama-mu dengan keburukan wahai RABB
semesta alam.
Allahumma ‘adzdzibil kafarotalladzina yashudduna ‘ansabilika, wa yukadzdzibuna min rusulika wa yuqotiluna min awliyaika.
Wahai ALLAH berilah adzab…. wahai ALLAH berilah adzab…. wahai ALLAH berilah adzab…. orang-oramg kafir yang telah menghalang-halangi kami dari jalan-Mu, yang telah mendustakan-Mu dan telah membunuh Para Wali-Mu, Para Kekasih-Mu
Allahumma farriq jam’ahum wa syattit syamlahum wa zilzal aqdamahum wa bilkhusus min yahuud wa syarikatihim innaka ‘ala kulli syaiin qodir.
Wahai ALLAH pecah belahlah, hancur leburkanlah kelompok mereka, porak porandakanlah mereka dan goncangkanlah kedudukan mereka, goncangkanlah hati hati mereka terlebih khusus dari orang-orang yahudi dan sekutu-sekutu mereka. sesungguhnya ENGKAU Maha Berkuasa.
Allahumma shuril islam wal ikhwana wal mujahidina fii kulli makan yaa rabbal ‘alamin.
Wahai ALLAH tolonglah Islam dan saudara kami dan Para Mujahid dimana saja mereka berada wahai RABB Semesta Alam.
Aamiin Yaa Robbal ‘Alamin
Wahai Wali-wali Allah Kemarilah, Datanglah dan Berkujunglah dan bergabunglah bersama kami kami Ahlul Baitmu
Al Qur`an adalah manhaj (petunjuk jalan) bagi para Da`i yang menempuh jalan dien ini sampai hari kiamat, Kami akan bawa anda untuk mengikuti jejak langkah penghulu para rasul Muhammad SAW dan pemimpin semua umat manusia.
Hai kaumku ikutilah aku, aku akan menunjukan kepadamu jalan yang benar (QS. Al-Mu'min :38)
Wahai para Ikwan Akhir Zaman, Khilafah Islam sedang membutuhkan
para Mujahid Tangguh untuk persiapan tempur menjelang Tegaknya Khilafah yang dijanjikan.
Mari Bertempur dan Berjihad dalam Naungan Pemerintah Khilafah Islam, berpalinglah dari Nasionalisme (kemusyrikan)
Masukan Kode yang sesuai dengan Bakat Karunia Allah yang Antum miliki.
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