About the creation of the heavens and earth in six days has been informed in a few verses of Allah, such as:وهو الذي خلق السماوات والأرض في ستة أيامIt means: "And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days." (Surah Huud: 7)
ولقد خلقنا السماوات والأرض وما بينهما في ستة أيامIt means: "and verily We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days." (Surah Qaff: 38)الله الذي خلق السماوات والأرض وما بينهما في ستة أيامMeaning: "God who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days." (Surah Sajda: 4) قل أئنكم لتكفرون بالذي خلق الأرض في يومين وتجعلون له أندادا ذلك رب العالمين) 9 (وجعل فيها رواسي من فوقها وبارك فيها وقدر فيها أقواتها في أربعة أيام سواء للسائلين) 10 (ثم استوى إلى السماء وهي دخان فقال لها وللأرض ائتيا طوعا أو كرها قالتا أتينا طائعين) 11 (فقضاهن سبع سماوات في يومين وأوحى في كل سماء أمرهاIt means: "Say: 'Do ye disbelieved who created the earth in two days and you have put up rivals to Him? (Who are) so it is the Lord of hosts". and He created the earth firm mountains on it. He blessed him and he determines to her food levels (residents) In four days. (The explanation was in response) to those who ask. He then headed to the creation of the heavens and the sky was still a smoke, then he said to him and to the earth: "Come ye both according to my commandments willingly or forced". they both said: "We come willingly." He then made the seven heavens in two days. He revealed in every heaven its affairs. "(Surah Fushilat: 9 - 12)Sayyid Qutb says, ".. These days what it is: two days to create the earth and two days to create a sturdy mountains, determine her food levels (residents) and bless her so entirely perfect in four days. (FII Zhilalil the Qur'an Juz V 3110)Imam Al-Qurtubi said that the meaning of "the two-day" is Sunday and Monday ... Qatadah and Mujahid said that He is Almighty created the earth, rivers, trees and creeping things on Tuesday and Wednesday.While the meaning of "in four days" is perfect in four days, as someone who says, "I went from the city of Basra to Baghdad within ten days later to Kufa in five days. So it's perfectly within fifteen days. "(Al-Jami 'Li Ahkamil the Qur'an Volume VIII 290)Imam Tabari said that the meaning of his words, "Behold why have you disbelieve in Him who created the earth in two days" is a Sunday and Monday, as news of the Messenger of Allah and the sayings of the scholars. (Tafsir Tabari it juz XXI 432)Mentioned in the Sunnah that the earth was created in seven days, as narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairoh that the Messenger of Allah took my hand and said, '' Allah has created soil on Saturday, creating on earth the mountains on Sunday, creating the trees on the day Monday, creating unwelcome on Tuesday, creating a light on Wednesday, spreading the creeping things of the earth on Thursday, creating Adam on Friday after Asr which is the end time of the creation of the final times of the day Friday between Asr till night. "The scholars differed about this hadith, Yahya ibn Ma'in, Abdurrahman bin Mahdiy, Bukhari and others say that the hadeeth is false and he is not from the words of the Prophet, even Bukhari explains in "Tarikh al-Kabir at" that it was the words of Ka 'ab a goody.Among those who think like that too Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his student Ibn Qoyyim. Syeikhul Islam says that the argument against them is already clearly stated in the Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijma that Allah has created the heavens and earth in six days and the last one is created Adam on Friday. There is a difference of this hadith that says that God created it all in seven days, and there is history with more saheeh sanad from the beginning of creation that is on Sunday. (Majmu 'al Fatawa thing I juz 256)There among the scholars that these hadiths menshahihkan and say that there is no contradiction between hadith with the Qur'an. The Qur'an mentions that the creation of the heavens and earth in six days while the hadith mentions the creation of everything on earth in the form of land, mountains, and the other, and seven days, six days it was not mentioned in the Qur'an.Ash Shaykh al-Albani in his notes to "Mishkat al Mashobih" (3/1598) says that the hadith is not incompatible with the Qur'an from any side, in contrast to the notion some people. Indeed hadith that describes the state of the creation of the earth and it takes place within seven days while the texts of the Qur'an mentions that the creation of the heavens and earth in six days and the earth in two days that are not contrary to the above hadith because of the possibility that the six days was different from the seven days mentioned in the hadith.That the hadith is telling about the stages of the developmental stages of creation of the earth so worthy to live is corroborated by the Qur'an which states in part day the sight of Allah is like a thousand years and some of the equivalent of fifty thousand years. So if there are obstacles that the six days it like that? And the seven days as our days? as described hadith, thus there is no contradiction between hadith with the Qur'an.This was also corroborated by related by al-Hakim and al-Bayhaqi with a saheeh sanad from Said ibn Jabir said, "It has come a man to Ibn Abbas and said," I see a number of contradictions in the Qur'an. 'Ibn Abbas said, 'Give us what you think is contradictory.'The man said, 'I hear the word of Allah, "Say:' Do ye disbelieved who created the earth in two days." Up to His word "willingly". He Almighty began the creation of the earth in this paragraph before the creation of the heavens, then his word is in another verse Almighty "Are you more difficult penciptaanya or sky? God has membinanya" then He said, "And the earth after it is laid Him." Allah Almighty mentions the creation of heaven before the creation of the earth. Ibn Abbas replied, 'The creation the earth in two days. In fact the earth was created before the heavens, the heavens were once the smoke then Allah made the seven heavens in two days after the creation of the earth. As for his words, "" And the earth after it is laid Him. "he said, 'He made the Earth's mountains, rivers, trees and ocean.This suggests the existence of two creation: the creation of the earth in the beginning and the creation of what is above it, such as mountains and rivers. (Www.islamweb.net)On the days that are in verse, Sayyid Qutb said that no doubt those days are the days that the limit is only Allah who knows. He is not the day-to-day on earth. The days on earth are only available qiyas time after the birth of the earth.And as on earth there are the days of the time of rotation around the sun, as well as planets that have a star of his days and have days that are different from the days of the earth, some shorter than the days of the earth and some other longer.These days the earth was first created in it then cover the mountains above, determine the grade-levels of the food are the days that diqiyaskan with other measures that we do not know but we know that it is much longer than Earth days we know it.And the closest we can contemplate in accordance with our human knowledge is that these days it is time that has passed through the earth for the sake of making a sturdy and solid earth surface so that it becomes eligible for occupancy. And that, as mentioned by the various theories that exist before us is about two thousand million years of earth years!This is only a forecast ilmiyah research that relies on the rocks and the approximate age of the earth with intercession. We are in the Koran does not say dirosah estimates to the end but it is the reality of their home is not the case. And except to the extent it does not approximate theories which allow for repairs.We do not place the Qur'an for such things but we do find that sometimes these theories is true and we see the closeness between the theories with the texts of the Qur'an and we found that the theory could be the explanation for nash Al Qur'an without any deception efforts. From here we find that this theory is the closest to the truth because he was closest to the content of the texts of the Qur'an. (FII Zhilalil the Qur'an Juz V 3110)
ولقد خلقنا السماوات والأرض وما بينهما في ستة أيامIt means: "and verily We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days." (Surah Qaff: 38)الله الذي خلق السماوات والأرض وما بينهما في ستة أيامMeaning: "God who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days." (Surah Sajda: 4) قل أئنكم لتكفرون بالذي خلق الأرض في يومين وتجعلون له أندادا ذلك رب العالمين) 9 (وجعل فيها رواسي من فوقها وبارك فيها وقدر فيها أقواتها في أربعة أيام سواء للسائلين) 10 (ثم استوى إلى السماء وهي دخان فقال لها وللأرض ائتيا طوعا أو كرها قالتا أتينا طائعين) 11 (فقضاهن سبع سماوات في يومين وأوحى في كل سماء أمرهاIt means: "Say: 'Do ye disbelieved who created the earth in two days and you have put up rivals to Him? (Who are) so it is the Lord of hosts". and He created the earth firm mountains on it. He blessed him and he determines to her food levels (residents) In four days. (The explanation was in response) to those who ask. He then headed to the creation of the heavens and the sky was still a smoke, then he said to him and to the earth: "Come ye both according to my commandments willingly or forced". they both said: "We come willingly." He then made the seven heavens in two days. He revealed in every heaven its affairs. "(Surah Fushilat: 9 - 12)Sayyid Qutb says, ".. These days what it is: two days to create the earth and two days to create a sturdy mountains, determine her food levels (residents) and bless her so entirely perfect in four days. (FII Zhilalil the Qur'an Juz V 3110)Imam Al-Qurtubi said that the meaning of "the two-day" is Sunday and Monday ... Qatadah and Mujahid said that He is Almighty created the earth, rivers, trees and creeping things on Tuesday and Wednesday.While the meaning of "in four days" is perfect in four days, as someone who says, "I went from the city of Basra to Baghdad within ten days later to Kufa in five days. So it's perfectly within fifteen days. "(Al-Jami 'Li Ahkamil the Qur'an Volume VIII 290)Imam Tabari said that the meaning of his words, "Behold why have you disbelieve in Him who created the earth in two days" is a Sunday and Monday, as news of the Messenger of Allah and the sayings of the scholars. (Tafsir Tabari it juz XXI 432)Mentioned in the Sunnah that the earth was created in seven days, as narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairoh that the Messenger of Allah took my hand and said, '' Allah has created soil on Saturday, creating on earth the mountains on Sunday, creating the trees on the day Monday, creating unwelcome on Tuesday, creating a light on Wednesday, spreading the creeping things of the earth on Thursday, creating Adam on Friday after Asr which is the end time of the creation of the final times of the day Friday between Asr till night. "The scholars differed about this hadith, Yahya ibn Ma'in, Abdurrahman bin Mahdiy, Bukhari and others say that the hadeeth is false and he is not from the words of the Prophet, even Bukhari explains in "Tarikh al-Kabir at" that it was the words of Ka 'ab a goody.Among those who think like that too Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his student Ibn Qoyyim. Syeikhul Islam says that the argument against them is already clearly stated in the Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijma that Allah has created the heavens and earth in six days and the last one is created Adam on Friday. There is a difference of this hadith that says that God created it all in seven days, and there is history with more saheeh sanad from the beginning of creation that is on Sunday. (Majmu 'al Fatawa thing I juz 256)There among the scholars that these hadiths menshahihkan and say that there is no contradiction between hadith with the Qur'an. The Qur'an mentions that the creation of the heavens and earth in six days while the hadith mentions the creation of everything on earth in the form of land, mountains, and the other, and seven days, six days it was not mentioned in the Qur'an.Ash Shaykh al-Albani in his notes to "Mishkat al Mashobih" (3/1598) says that the hadith is not incompatible with the Qur'an from any side, in contrast to the notion some people. Indeed hadith that describes the state of the creation of the earth and it takes place within seven days while the texts of the Qur'an mentions that the creation of the heavens and earth in six days and the earth in two days that are not contrary to the above hadith because of the possibility that the six days was different from the seven days mentioned in the hadith.That the hadith is telling about the stages of the developmental stages of creation of the earth so worthy to live is corroborated by the Qur'an which states in part day the sight of Allah is like a thousand years and some of the equivalent of fifty thousand years. So if there are obstacles that the six days it like that? And the seven days as our days? as described hadith, thus there is no contradiction between hadith with the Qur'an.This was also corroborated by related by al-Hakim and al-Bayhaqi with a saheeh sanad from Said ibn Jabir said, "It has come a man to Ibn Abbas and said," I see a number of contradictions in the Qur'an. 'Ibn Abbas said, 'Give us what you think is contradictory.'The man said, 'I hear the word of Allah, "Say:' Do ye disbelieved who created the earth in two days." Up to His word "willingly". He Almighty began the creation of the earth in this paragraph before the creation of the heavens, then his word is in another verse Almighty "Are you more difficult penciptaanya or sky? God has membinanya" then He said, "And the earth after it is laid Him." Allah Almighty mentions the creation of heaven before the creation of the earth. Ibn Abbas replied, 'The creation the earth in two days. In fact the earth was created before the heavens, the heavens were once the smoke then Allah made the seven heavens in two days after the creation of the earth. As for his words, "" And the earth after it is laid Him. "he said, 'He made the Earth's mountains, rivers, trees and ocean.This suggests the existence of two creation: the creation of the earth in the beginning and the creation of what is above it, such as mountains and rivers. (Www.islamweb.net)On the days that are in verse, Sayyid Qutb said that no doubt those days are the days that the limit is only Allah who knows. He is not the day-to-day on earth. The days on earth are only available qiyas time after the birth of the earth.And as on earth there are the days of the time of rotation around the sun, as well as planets that have a star of his days and have days that are different from the days of the earth, some shorter than the days of the earth and some other longer.These days the earth was first created in it then cover the mountains above, determine the grade-levels of the food are the days that diqiyaskan with other measures that we do not know but we know that it is much longer than Earth days we know it.And the closest we can contemplate in accordance with our human knowledge is that these days it is time that has passed through the earth for the sake of making a sturdy and solid earth surface so that it becomes eligible for occupancy. And that, as mentioned by the various theories that exist before us is about two thousand million years of earth years!This is only a forecast ilmiyah research that relies on the rocks and the approximate age of the earth with intercession. We are in the Koran does not say dirosah estimates to the end but it is the reality of their home is not the case. And except to the extent it does not approximate theories which allow for repairs.We do not place the Qur'an for such things but we do find that sometimes these theories is true and we see the closeness between the theories with the texts of the Qur'an and we found that the theory could be the explanation for nash Al Qur'an without any deception efforts. From here we find that this theory is the closest to the truth because he was closest to the content of the texts of the Qur'an. (FII Zhilalil the Qur'an Juz V 3110)
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