CANNONS IN ISLAMIC JIHADJihad is the peak power and glory of Islam. It is a solemn and noble cause of Muslims. On the other hand, would bring shame to leave. As the hadith of Ibn Umar radhiallahu anhuma he said, the Prophet Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam said:إذا تبايعتم بالعينة وأخذتم أذناب البقر ورضيتم بالزرع وتركتم الجهاد سلط الله عليكم ذلا لا ينزعه حتى ترجعوا إلى دينكم

"When you have buy and sell 'inah, take pieces of beef and pleased with agriculture and leave jihad, God will send you disgrace (disgrace). God does not disconnect from you until you return to the religion you" [HR Abu Dawud].However, this good deed must meet the good faith and in accordance with Islamic law. Because they received a deed is a requirement. In addition, the jihad is not a simple matter of the heart. Very closely related with blood, life and property, which is the great thing in Islam, as presentedHe Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam said:فإن دماءكم و أعراضكم وأموالكم عليكم حرام كحرمة يومكم هذا في شهركم هذا في بلدكم هذا إلى يوم تلقون ربكم"Indeed, blood, honor and property of you, banned on you (mutual menzhalimi), such as the sanctity of this day, this month and in the state you are, until you found the Lord of you. [HR. Bukhari and Muslim].MEANING AND Split StruggleIn general, the fact that jihad has a very wide meaning. Namely struggle against temptation, fighting against the devil, and fought against the wicked from among the innovators and vice.

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