Bissmillahi rahmaani raheem,There is no god except GOD is the Most Mighty and holds every human heart. The Prophet was a lot of services to humanitarian service and have the right forecast.So far, we often hear that ulama2 it is "Heir nabi2" whose job is to explain wahyu2 GOD to the people as well as in everyday life example of how nabi2 mengapliksikan life desired by the GOD who created the universe and all its contents.GOD in the Quran wants the man who
made up of various nations, tribes and languages can live a peaceful, prosperous, happy to be filial and to worship only the One GOD.In other words GOD called life "Rahmatanlil'alamin". Lil'alamin rahmatan life never happened once, where the West orang2 kemajuan2 much to learn from Islam once.21st century is even reversed, orang2 Arab (Islam) is a lot to learn from the West. GOD mempergilirkan kejayaan2 from one nation to another nation, to serve as a lesson.A prophecy of Prophet Muhammad who is right is where the prophet predicts that later in akir time (21st century) ulama2 the heir of the Prophet was to be a bad bad man on this earth, Muslims zolim mutual menzolimi, and kill kill saudara2nya faith and nationality . Masarakat peaceful life never again, either dimesdjid2, partai2, Internet2, they are defamatory libel;
Soon people will experience one day at that time was in name of Islam and the Qur'an-only stayed hurufnyasaja letters; the mosques are very crowded but the people quiet (blank) of instruction; clerics they are bad- poor creatures under the heavens. Of those that come out these slanders, which will return to their own.
(Hadith: Al-Ali ibn Abi Baihaki & Tholib; Mishkat 3 page 8)From my observations, it is precisely the apostle of the above predictions, we now see, among others;
Muslims divided into lots and lots of kinds ulama2 golongan2
1. One class to another class can not live mutual respect, but powerful group menzolimi weak or minority groups.
2.Two powerful factions warring kill kill us look bleak seized power between radical Sunni and Shiite radicals in Irag, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan.
3.Ulama2 and Usztad2 from each group masing2 Defamation defamatory.
4.Negara2 life of Islam is backward within all areas of life.
5.Kebutuhan2 principal and defense of religion and the nation is dependent upon the West.
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